Tanaka, a veteran doctor who had been engaging in fraudulent practices with a pharmaceutical company for many years, was secretly informed about his actions by his close colleagues, Chief Saeki and Kato. In a desperate situation, he successfully used a sex-enhancing app, which he had bought half-jokingly, to put the chief into a sex-induced state and brainwash him. Tanaka managed to alter his misdeeds and make them non-existent... However, he himself did not understand what sex-induction was, but he knew it was wonderful. After voraciously reading literature related to sex-induction and brainwashing during work, he realized that the incident was a misperceived sex-induction. Tanaka wished to destroy both Saeki and Kato simultaneously and seemed to have succeeded in his confession by exploiting Kato's feelings for Saeki... But this was all orchestrated, and unaware of this, Kato got carried away. Ah, that's right. That's why sex-induction and brainwashing can't be stopped w