The leading actress of this work is Mayukichi, also known as Ito Manatsu! Known for her overwhelming slender neck and a waistline of just 54 centimeters, she boasts a perfect style with fair skin and a bright smile that sparkles, complemented by her F-cup beauty! Since her debut in 2018, Mayukichi and REbecca have released a new work every year, and this marks their fifth collaboration. The shooting location was Miyakojima, where under the strong southern sun, her snow-white skin was exposed, yet she managed the shoot with a cheerful smile, which was incredibly cute! Following the positive reception of Mayukichi's self-shot comments for each chapter in the previous work, they are also included in this one. This time, you can even hear explanations about the charm of the outfits she wears in each scene and the reasons for her choices! A fashion show exclusively for Mayukichi fans, presented by Mayukichi herself, shines with her exceptional style and fashion sense, and it is held in a splendid manner!